Oh my goodness- thats one expensive electric blanket!! Is it really worth the extra money, Ruth? Im sorely tempted as always looking to improve my pretty awful sleep experience ( since menopause- oh joy!) but not sure i can justify £269 for my kingsize bed!
We have motion sensor lights in our pantry cupboard in the kitchen, which sounds like the kitchen equivalent of your fitted wardrobes - they’re brilliant! We got a quote for wired in lighting in the cupboard when we had the kitchen fitted and it was about £1500. The battery powered ones we got off Amazon were less than £20. And there was a spare one which has gone in the loft, as you have to be at the top of the ladder to put the light up there on at the switch, so the motion sensor one covers the ladder climbing period.
God, these trivial but practical things are BRILLIANT aren’t they? 😍
When my mum died I claimed her 1980s orange sellotape dispenser - it weighs a ton, has a ‘velvety bottom’ just like yours and - even better, I think of her every time I use it!
I've put one of those motion-sensitive lights UNDER MY BEDSIDE TABLE, and now, when I get up for a wee in the night, I don't have to use my phone torch, WHICH MEANS I DON'T ALSO CHECK THE TIME, which means I don't start thinking about how little time there is until my alarm goes off, WHICH MEANS I GO BACK TO SLEEP!
Even more incredibly I've put one on the back of the bathroom door so that I don't have to put the light on in the bathroom either. I KNOW. I AM SO NEXT LEVEL IT HURTS.
I have a motion one on the landing that plugs in so you never have to recharge it! Got them when the kids were babies and have never been without since. All hail modern lighting solutions!!
I bought a Ziip Halo last year after seeing your review and many, many other positive reviews, including Sali Hughes and Sam Chapman. I've tried it loads of times and cannot notice even a slight difference in my face. What am I doing wrong?! Anyone else not seeing any benefit? I really want to love it, it was so expensive 😔
And you use the gel etc? I have met a few people who have said they haven’t seen much of an instant lift but the majority seem to have the same experience as me. I suppose not everything will always work for everyone but let me do some delving with Ziip and see if they have any feedback/suggestions! Am also curious to know. X
The tape dispenser- one of my pet hates. I’ve ordered one from Amazon. Thank you 👏😊
Oh my goodness- thats one expensive electric blanket!! Is it really worth the extra money, Ruth? Im sorely tempted as always looking to improve my pretty awful sleep experience ( since menopause- oh joy!) but not sure i can justify £269 for my kingsize bed!
Thanks for your newsy posts- great stuff!
Please does anyone else have feedback on the Ziip device, particularly ladies 50+.? Am thinking about pulling the trigger…
Love long posts as your writing is wonderful - even if it’s about mundane things like tape dispensers 😊
We have motion sensor lights in our pantry cupboard in the kitchen, which sounds like the kitchen equivalent of your fitted wardrobes - they’re brilliant! We got a quote for wired in lighting in the cupboard when we had the kitchen fitted and it was about £1500. The battery powered ones we got off Amazon were less than £20. And there was a spare one which has gone in the loft, as you have to be at the top of the ladder to put the light up there on at the switch, so the motion sensor one covers the ladder climbing period.
God, these trivial but practical things are BRILLIANT aren’t they? 😍
I love your posts , especially your longer lingering one's! I too am a late comer to the awesomeness of magnetic lights.x
When my mum died I claimed her 1980s orange sellotape dispenser - it weighs a ton, has a ‘velvety bottom’ just like yours and - even better, I think of her every time I use it!
I've put one of those motion-sensitive lights UNDER MY BEDSIDE TABLE, and now, when I get up for a wee in the night, I don't have to use my phone torch, WHICH MEANS I DON'T ALSO CHECK THE TIME, which means I don't start thinking about how little time there is until my alarm goes off, WHICH MEANS I GO BACK TO SLEEP!
Even more incredibly I've put one on the back of the bathroom door so that I don't have to put the light on in the bathroom either. I KNOW. I AM SO NEXT LEVEL IT HURTS.
I have a motion one on the landing that plugs in so you never have to recharge it! Got them when the kids were babies and have never been without since. All hail modern lighting solutions!!
That is such an amazing idea….you’re the next level beyond the next level!
I bought a Ziip Halo last year after seeing your review and many, many other positive reviews, including Sali Hughes and Sam Chapman. I've tried it loads of times and cannot notice even a slight difference in my face. What am I doing wrong?! Anyone else not seeing any benefit? I really want to love it, it was so expensive 😔
How do you do it, do you follow the app instructions or freestyle it? X
I follow the lift programme, I think it's the automatic one?
I do, the gel in the silver bottle. Yes, you're right, maybe my 47 year old face is just too stubborn! 😆
And you use the gel etc? I have met a few people who have said they haven’t seen much of an instant lift but the majority seem to have the same experience as me. I suppose not everything will always work for everyone but let me do some delving with Ziip and see if they have any feedback/suggestions! Am also curious to know. X
Ruth! I’m so in love with my Sellotape dispenser that I’m going to invest in one for parcel tape! That’s how rock n roll I’m feeling :-)
Don’t get me started on parcel tape! It’s all just a whole new exciting world. I’m really into brown paper and the recycled paper tape!
Have you got Tit Tape ? https://holly.co/shop/product/tit-tape-kraft-paper-tape/d5d1c8ff-9eca-4d35-ad1c-3d2975a752f1
I know - sorry…
Oh my god