I'm so curious, so I appreciate these posts about your experience. I had the 'pre' visit at my optometrist to see if I qualified to get LASIK and they had said no to the easier one (but I also have astigmatism so...?). And that put me off when I saw the more complicated version (as of 7 years ago) was a 6 week recovery, which was not at all possible for me. But now...I might see just how far things have advanced because I am sick.of.cleaning.my.glasses. every five minutes.

PS I also go off my head on the slightest bit of a drug. I can't even handle melatonin.

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**my eyes before surgery - this was the email from my surgeon re prescription** Your prescription was a moderately high hyperopic prescription with astigmatism which means your cornea (the natural watch crystal at the front of the eye ) is shaped a bit more like a rugby ball rather than a football and also it wasn’t powerful enough to focus images accurately. Some people call this farsightedness. In general farsightedness and astigmatism can be a bit more challenging that regular near sighted (myopic) prescriptions but with the right surgeon and the right technology we treat these kind of prescriptions all the time safely and accurately. You also had presbyopia (early reading vision problems) which I corrected

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Thank you very much for this. I’ve asked some friends about their laser eye surgery experiences but this is much more detailed and exactly what my brain required to know about the experience.

My eyesight isn’t bad enough yet (and the fact I need both reading and distance glasses might mean I wouldn’t qualify anyway) but it’s definitely something I would consider. I’ve got quite severe dry eye syndrome so have never bothered trying contacts, as I don’t think they’d work well for me.

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I think the dry eye syndrome would rule you out tbh as it does make it worse if you have it! But sure he mentioned an alternative that doesn’t affect eye dryness

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Ah that’s good to know re the dry eye syndrome. I’ll have a google, but also accept I may be stuck in my smudgy, smeary glasses indefinitely ☺️

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PS I rather like the idea of looking like an octogenarian ex film star. The big shades and tartan blanket look is a good one on you!

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I thought so 🤣

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Are you able to share what the recovery period was like and how travel back home was etc, or is that coming in another post? I'd be keen to travel to London to get it done but live in York and so would also opt for hotel and then travel back. Wondering also about how long you need to avoid lots of screen use etc if you've a desk and laptop based job!

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There was no recovery period. Just had to wear dark glasses for a couple of days and remember the drops. I was back to working on phone and laptop etc a couple of days later, felt really tired the following day so didn’t do much anyway… I could see perfectly straight away!

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Omg I that sounds amazing!!! Really hoping I qualify as someone to have this done as sounds like such a huge quality of life improvement 😍

Thanks so much for sharing all of this, I've been eagerly awaiting this post :)

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Hi Ruth Mmmmmm is there an age limit on laser treatment? Or is it your prescription that dictates. Wore contact lenses for about 20 years starting with the huge hard lenses until they brought out dailies which were fab. Unfortunately my prescription couldn't eventually be accommodated with thin dailies so I opted for varifocal specs which I absolutely hate. I have worn varifocals for about 15 years now and I still havecto find the reading bit in the bottom of the lens bit and nod my head to get tge correct middle distance. I have a growing cataract so would laser treatment sort it out?

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They do a complete lens replacement for cataracts and then I think you just have perfect vision. Very expensive I think but no wait as you’d have with NHS… they have info on the OCL website about it. I can ask for you too…

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I was -6 and had my eyes lasik-ed about 20 years ago at Moorfields eye hospital. I had to return once to have an eye "topped up" which was even less dramatic than first time. It has lasted 20 years - but I now have a prescription of -1 and have glasses. I think this is normal - your eyes will change over time. The good news is that because I'm slightly myopic I don't need reading glasses (I'm 52). It changed my life more than anything else in the world. I was about 32 years old. I often think if I would have done it earlier, knowing it would "last" 20 years - and I think yes. Do it while you are young but know that your eyes might change and you may end up with a small prescription approx 15 to 20 years later. Best thing I've ever done

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To add, you can't have it done a second time! Which is why you should think about what point in your life to do it.

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So good to hear this

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Ooh, thank you for this. What was your previous prescription? I’m worried my eyes are simply TOO RUBBISH.

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See previous post for details! X

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I did, am I being dim? It said ‘moderately high with astigmatism’ but I wondered how high.

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Have pasted below xx

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I still can’t find the NUMBERS. Am I going mad.

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Oooh didn’t I put the numbers in?! What an idiot! Will find and put in comments here

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I have the same question!

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Amazing, thank you!

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Hello Ruth, yes this is your OG Aussie subscriber who is still working my way through all of the products you’ve recommended over the decades… (Seriously, I still haven’t used up a tiny Guerlain bronzer and blush compact, and that must be well over 12 years old if not older). I’m very lucky to have you recommend products because we come from the same part of England and have identical colouring, both hair and skin. That way I don’t buy anything that doesn’t suit your exacting standards. Quite beneficial for me! But, and a big but, I simply cannot bring myself to have my myopic and astigmatism eyeballs anywhere near anything resembling a laser! Thank you for sharing your experience though, absolutely loved it.

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Hello you!!

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