Haven’t read any of these but am sorely tempted to reserve at least 4 at my local library. The problem being that you only get 3 weeks and 10 renews per book (which admittedly is 30 weeks, but I’m a slow reader) and I’ve already got a stack of about 8 that I’m getting through. I feel stressed at the time sensitive nature of library books every time I look at the pile.

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I am joining the library next week. It may just be my financial salvation! 🤣

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They’re brilliant and the authors still get paid every time you borrow a book (not as much, but it’s something).

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I love the library so much that I wrote a post about it:


I know it is disgusting to advertise my love for the library on this thread, but I really do feel passionate about "popping into the library".

I can never manage to get my search right whenever I use those computers, though. As if all of a sudden I never came across keyboards before. I will attempt typing "Clare Chambers" or "Ian McEwan" next time. Wish me luck finding the right aisle...

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Small Pleasures is incredible and I heartily endorse the recommendation for The Raptures. Lessons didn’t do it for me, unfortunately, and I’m generally a big McEwan fan.

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Also I loved Orbital but it is harder going than the size would suggest!

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I loved Orbital (and read it a few weeks before it won the Booker). Shy Creatures on my TBR pile too, from the library..! X

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That's so funny - I had The Raptures on my list to read too with no memory of where the recommendation came from! I have read it now though and thoroughly enjoyed it so there's that. Also feel you on the heated blanket situation, I have been having the strangest dreams and I'm putting them down to overheating 😂

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Oh my god THE DREAMS!!!!!

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I am also a WFB person now

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Just finished Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon , which I stayed up until 1.30 last night reading even though I had to be up at 6.30 today. Great book. Anyway need a bit of light relief after that, but have bookmarked some of these- thanks for the recs!

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Adding to ever-growing list

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I’ve just finished Shy Creatures. It was one of those books you want to read as it’s so good but dread finishing. Clare Chambers is an exceptional writer. I’m on to A Dry Spell now.

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Oooph can’t wait!

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When I hit you is Amazing.

I’ve also finally got around to All Fours which also seems to be extremely divisive, but I was enthralled and uncritical as I read (but reflective afterwards).

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Uncritical is essential for All Fours isn’t it?! I was very proud of myself. Very mature. 🤣

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Both of the Clare Chambers books are absolutely divine! To read, as well as to look at. You will love them.

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They’re next in line, have leapfrogged the rest of the pile

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